Chemical Oil and Grease Separation

Quick break degreasers allow oil and water to separate within a few minutes of their use. This helps your oil separation system to function effectively in removing oil before discharge to sewer. Non-quick break compounds may keep oil and water in suspension for several hours, allowing oil to pass through an oil/water separator and into the sewer or septic system.

We from NQE provide environmental friendly and very effective quick break degreasers that will insure your oil separation equipment is working at its best.

Quickbreak Degreasers

Econo Break used correctly will remove grease and grime from vehicle and chassis as well as cleaning workshop floors and walls. Designed especially to suit pollution plants. Contains no phosphates etc.


Ideal product for machine shops, railways, councils, transport authorities and major workshops.



CITRUS 10,000 BIODEGRADABLE DEGREASER is a highly concentrated multipurpose solvent boosted cleaner. Madefrom naturally occurring D-Limonene; extracted from oranges. Cleans and leaves a pleasant citrus fragrance behind.


For use in restaurants, automotive, building industry, professional fishing industry, local authorities, railway and transport companies.

Citrus For Enquiries/Orders please see our contact us page



N Q Environmental
Evolution Not Pollution

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